Superpowers for Good Interview

Bill Lyman was recently interviewed on the Superpowers for Good Podcast. Here's what Devin Thorpe, the host, had to say: 

In today’s episode of "Superpowers for Good," I had the pleasure of speaking with William Lyman, better known as Bill, the founder and CEO of Breakwave Energy. Bill's company is tackling one of the most persistent challenges in renewable energy: harnessing the power of ocean waves.

Wave energy presents a unique opportunity in the renewable energy landscape. Unlike solar and wind, which are limited by weather conditions and time of day, waves are a constant force driven by distant storms and the natural movement of the ocean. Bill explained this key advantage, saying, "Waves are driven by 1000-mile-away storms, and they break all day long, all night. Water is 800 times more dense than air. So, you always grab more energy from waves, but you have to do it in a way that's cost-effective."

However, harnessing wave energy is no easy feat. The ocean's harsh environment can destroy equipment, making it challenging to maintain and cost-ineffective. Bill likens their approach to the Heisman pose, “You’ve got to hold on to the ball and get into the end zone while making sure nothing touches you.” This means placing minimal infrastructure in the water and ensuring it can withstand the ocean's destructive forces.

One of the most exciting aspects of Breakwave Energy's technology is its potential for scalability and versatility. Bill shared, "We have the ability to not only produce electricity but also to scale our technology to meet the needs of small villages or larger areas, and even to desalinate water directly using wave energy."

Bill's innovative approach and commitment to rigorous testing before deployment highlight his dedication to creating a sustainable and effective solution for renewable energy. His team's ongoing collaboration with Cal State University San Marcos to test electrical components exemplifies their meticulous and thorough process.

Today’s episode was a deep dive into the future of renewable energy and the incredible potential of wave energy. I’m thrilled to share Bill's insights and innovations with you. His work at Breakwave Energy is not just about harnessing waves but also about offering scalable solutions that can significantly impact both developed and developing regions around the globe.

Read, watch or listen to more: Harnessing the Power of Waves: A Conversation with Breakwave Energy's William Lyman (


Showcasing Our YouTube Channel: Ride the Wave with Breakwave Energy


Breakwave Energy Featured in San Diego Business Journal: Harnessing the Power of Waves for Clean Energy