Crowdfunding Campaign Launch

Breakwave Energy is excited to announce the launch of our crowdfunding campaign! As we step forward in our mission to harness the untapped potential of wave energy, we invite you to join us in making renewable energy more accessible and efficient.

Our crowdfunding campaign, hosted on Raise Green, offers an incredible opportunity for individuals to invest in sustainable energy innovations. By supporting our project, you are not just investing in a company; you're supporting a movement towards cleaner, more sustainable energy solutions that can power communities around the world.

The funds raised will be instrumental in advancing our research and development efforts, specifically focusing on refining our innovative wave energy converters. These funds will also aid in the continued testing of our technology at the Lake Erie site, where we are making strides in proving the feasibility and effectiveness of wave energy.

We believe in transparency and the power of community. This campaign not only seeks to raise capital but also to build a community of supporters who share our vision for a sustainable future. Investors can access our campaign and learn more about our mission and the specifics of the investment opportunity through this link.

Wave energy is a promising solution to the growing need for renewable energy sources, and with your support, we can accelerate our progress and lead the wave of change in energy technology. We are committed to pushing the boundaries of what's possible in renewable energy and invite you to be part of this exciting journey.

Ready to make a wave in renewable energy? Visit our campaign page today and consider becoming an investor in a cleaner, greener future. Let's harness the power of the oceans together!



Making Waves in Erie


Bill’s Visit to Erie